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LAURIE ANDERSON & CHRISTIAN McBRIDE with special guest Rubin Kodheli
Sat. September 5th, 2020 / 8pm ET

Watch as legendary artists come together in a showcase for their respective versatility and the pliability of jazz and the avant-garde. This will be a one-time-only broadcast streamed live in front of a small, socially distant audience at the beautiful John Drew Backyard Theater at Guild Hall’s Furman Garden

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Laurie Anderson, violin and synthesizers
Christian McBride, bass
Rubin Kodheli, cello

Individually, Laurie Anderson and Christian McBride are titans in their respective fields: Anderson as an award-winning visual artist and innovative musician working in pop’s avant-garde and McBride as a Grammy®-winning jazz polymath equally adept at leading anything from small ensembles to big bands. Together, complemented by cellist Rubin Kodheli, Anderson’s violin and synthesizers and McBride’s bass form a unique and unexpected combination, leading The New York Times to call their 2017 concert at Town Hall one of the best live jazz performances of the year.  This string-based trio blends the sound of several different worlds into a harmonious whole. 

Guild Hall is an arts, entertainment, and education center for the community. Its primary focus is to inform, inspire, and enrich our diverse audiences by presenting programs of the highest quality in the visual and performing arts, to collaborate with artists of Eastern Long Island, to foster the artistic spirit and to provide a meeting place for all.

History: Guild Hall, one of the first multidisciplinary centers in the country to combine a museum, theater, and education space under one roof, was established in 1931 as a gathering place for community where an appreciation for the arts would serve to encourage greater civic participation. For nearly nine decades, Guild Hall has embraced this open-minded vision and provided a welcoming environment for the public to engage with art exhibitions, performances, and educational offerings. Art and artists have long been the engine of Guild Hall’s activities and the institution continues to find innovative ways to support creativity in everyone. 

In 1930, East Hampton resident and philanthropist Mrs. Lorenzo E. Woodhouse anonymously dedicated land and an initial financial gift toward building one of the country’s first interdisciplinary centers. Her vision was “to heighten the importance of the arts” and provide a building that would “serve as meeting place.” The community rallied to secure additional funding, as well as manage and oversee the development and maintenance of a new facility.











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